Industry: Engineering
4 September 2023
With the Ecologic KeyBox, our intelligent dispatch box, you can enhance the company’s car-sharing program. It’s main purpose is to streamline the process of carpooling and reduce the amount of effort required of the fleet manager to keep the system running.
The Polish-Swiss engineering company BIBUS MENOS Sp. z o. o. has been providing technical support and business guidance in the areas of pneumatics, mechatronics, power hydraulics, automation, rail technology, and 3D printing for more than 20 years. The company specializes in comprehensive solutions to customer problems. The business develops both customized and systemic solutions based on products supplied by carefully chosen and well-respected vendors.

The client was mainly interested in streamlining the process of assigning and collecting company cars from employees as well as maintaining its inventory. Automation of the automobile rental process and document digitization were the primary steps in attaining the goal of reducing the fleet manager’s workload in terms of process management.

Take your fleet
to the next level!
How did Ecologic help?
The implementation of Ecologic KeyBox allowed for a significant acceleration of the process of renting shared vehicles to employees. It is possible to book vehicles at any time using the mobile application because there is no need to write down the handover protocol – it is generated automatically when the car is turned over. This solution significantly reduced the fleet manager’s involvement in the process.
The client also praised Ecologic KeyBox for being easy to use and intuitive to learn; using the system doesn’t require much training – employees can start using it right away.

Acceleration of the process
KeyBox not only speeds up the handoff of pool cars between employees and the fleet manager but also enhances it administratively. Automatically generated handover protocols and a vehicle reservation system in the mobile application are guarantees of a successful car sharing program in the organization.
Intuitive and accessible system
The Ecologic KeyBox was put into use at the customer’s facility very effectively, and users confirmed the device’s intuitive functioning. Schedule of available cars can be viewed by the users thanks to the mobile application’s vehicle booking system. Moreover, there is no need to anyone else but the employee who will be driving the car be present while retrieving the key from the KeyBox.
Customer’s opinion
Ecologic KeyBox passed the test and, almost a year later, it still accomplishes its goals – streamlining the use of shared vehicles and decreasing amount of administrative work.
Grzegorz Misiejko, Fleet manager, BIBUS MENOS Sp. z o. o.